As part of the Partnership’s ambition that the wider community of all ages is involved in caring for and valuing street trees, we are committed to organising annual celebration events.
We hosted our first annual celebration event in May 2023, as part of the Sheffield Tree Fayre. From time to time we may be involved in other events in the community and we will share information about these here.
Upcoming events
Past events
A Wild Night In: Introducing the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership
The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership held a webinar on Thursday 8th February 2024, hosted on Zoom by the Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust.
Nathan Edwards, current Chair of Sheffield Street Tree Partnership, set out some of the Partnership’s key achievements so far and detailed the next steps for Sheffield’s street trees. There was an opportunity to to ask questions to a panel of Partnership members, including representatives from Sheffield City Council, Amey, Sheffield Tree Action Groups, and Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust.
You can view a recording of this event here:
Sheffield Tree Fayre – Saturday 20th May 2023
Sheffield Tree Fayre is a family-friendly event celebrating the wonder of trees and woodlands, which will take place on Saturday 20th May 2023 at Sheffield Botanical Gardens.
Running from 10am to 4pm, this free entry, one-day tree-fest will feature a variety of kids’ outdoor forest school activities, kids’ indoor crafts, adult wood craft stalls and guided tree walks.
This event aims to bring together everyone in the city who is passionate about trees and how they make Sheffield a better place to live, work and play. Sheffield Street Tree Partnership will be there, taking the opportunity to celebrate and share information about our wonderful street trees! There will also be a fantastic line-up of tree-themed talks.
Sheffield Parks & Countryside
You may be interested in events, such as tree planting sessions, offered by our partners in Sheffield Parks & Countryside.