Who We Are
Sheffield Street Tree Partnership was established in 2019. Since then it has developed and evolved, at all times working together to deliver the vision of a network of street trees that Sheffield can be proud of.
Members of the Partnership
Nathan Edwards
Chair, Sheffield Street Tree Partnership
Nathan is Chair of Sheffield Street Tree Partnership. Nathan is a chartered landscape architect, part of the steering group for Nature Recovery Sheffield and the Chair of the Woodseats Community Garden.
Caroline Campbell
Urban Project Officer, The Woodland Trust
Caroline’s role with the Woodland Trust evolves around creating a brighter future for urban trees and woods. She contributes to initiatives like UK Tree Equity Score and the Urban Forest Accelerator partnership and brings a wealth of experience working with the public in urban environments.
Richard Eyre
Director of Street Scene & Regulations, Sheffield City Council
Richard is Director of Street Scene & Regulations at Sheffield City Council.
Christine King
Founding member of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership
Christine is a founding member of the Partnership and represents Sheffield Tree Action Groups (STAG). Christine also volunteers as a Street Tree Warden.
Nicola Dempsey
University of Sheffield, Landscape Architecture Department
Nicola is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield. Nicola’s research interests relate to understanding the complex relationship between landscapes and humans.
Kieron King
Principal Operations Manager, Amey
Kieron is Principal Operations Manager at Amey.
Liz Ballard
Chief Executive, Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Liz is the Chief Executive of the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust.
Paul Selby
Founding member of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership
Paul is a founding member of the Partnership and is our community planting lead. Paul is also a volunteer Street Tree Warden and is Chairperson of Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation (NESST).
Camilla Allen
University of Sheffield, Landscape Architecture Department
Camilla is a landscape architect and historian, lecturing in Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield.
Sarah Shorley
Street Tree Warden representative
Sarah is the Partnership’s Street Tree Warden representative. Sarah’s passion for Sheffield’s treescape led her to pursue a career in urban forestry and community engagement.
Supporting Staff
Nik Baker
Sheffield Street Tree Partnership Manager, Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust
Claire Duffield
Engineer – Environmental Maintenance, Sheffield City Council
Carl Ellison
Arboricultural Manager for the Streets Ahead Contract, Amey
David Wain
Service Manager, Streets Ahead Client Team, Sheffield City Council
Mohamed Edroos
Assistant Director, Highways Maintenance, Sheffield City Council
Nicky Rivers
Ecology Manager, Sheffield City Council