New Sheffield street tree guidelines published 

A new guidelines booklet for managing the city’s street trees has been finalised and published today, as part of the recently launched Sheffield Street Tree Strategy. 

The guidelines, which follow best practice and detail how street trees across the city will be managed appropriately and cared for now and in years to come, have been created by the council and endorsed by members of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership. 

As well as detailing the ways in which trees will be managed by Amey as part of the Streets Ahead contract, the guidelines provide advice and information on several common questions relating to street trees, covering topics such as pruning and disease. 

In conjunction with the Sheffield Street Tree Strategy, the guidelines will help to protect and enhance the city’s renowned street tree stock, ensuring a good management approach and supporting the long-term vision and improvement of our abundant street trees. 

The approach detailed in the guidelines will also make sure that tree-related risks to people and property are reduced or removed so that everyone can safely enjoy the benefits provided by a healthy tree canopy. 

Liz Ballard, Chief Executive of Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust and Chair of the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership said: 

“The production of these guidelines is a positive achievement and significant step for the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership, as we continue to navigate and work towards a more prosperous and collaborative future for managing the trees that line our streets. 

“The guidelines will provide a valuable source of information for both residents and volunteer street tree wardens, who are working across communities in Sheffield to provide us with additional and real-time insight into any issues relating to our street trees. 

“We encourage people to make use of these guidelines should they experience any issues with trees locally and refer to them, in the first instance, should they have any non-urgent queries.” 

Street trees are routinely checked for safety and condition by the Streets Ahead team of qualified tree inspectors. This is on a ward-by-ward basis at least every five years. Additional inspections take place when the volunteer tree wardens or other members of the public report a significant concern about a tree, or if a tree is on an enhanced inspection regime because of its condition. 

As well as the guidelines providing people with a useful reference tool when it comes to street trees, in recent months, over 40 street tree wardens have been recruited across the city to help identify and solve community tree issues. 

By supporting, influencing, and engaging with both Streets Ahead and the Sheffield Street Tree Partnership, the wardens will help to improve neighbourhoods and public landscapes in the process. 

Executive member for Housing, Roads and Waste Management at Sheffield City Council, Councillor Paul Wood said: 

“Over recent years, we’ve worked closely with our partners to improve and develop the way in which we manage our urban tree stock. These guidelines are a valuable source of information which will inform our approach to caring for and enhancing the trees on our streets. 

“Street trees face unique challenges, not only from their immediate environment but from the constant threat of disease, and it’s our responsibility to make sure we follow best practice to protect them; replenishing them where required.” 

The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership is comprised of the Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust (Chairing), Sheffield Tree Action Groups, Sheffield City Council, Amey and the Woodland Trust. 

Members of the partnership continue to meet regularly to discuss, navigate and make progress with street tree topics across the city. In coming months, the partnership will be working on a number of projects including: 

Building on the success of two pilot schemes, where community groups and residents have funded a total of over 60 additional street trees, to be planted in January 2022. 

Undertaking the UK’s first ever independent audit of street tree management practices and responding to any suggested improvements the audit recommends. 

View the Street Tree Guidelines here

To find out more about becoming a Street Tree Warden, contact: