Sheffield Street Tree Partnership Strategy
The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership Strategy was launched in May 2021. The Strategy identifies six outcomes that explain the impact that the activity of the Partnership seeks to deliver.
Work began to develop a Partnership Street Tree Strategy for Sheffield in 2019 following an agreement reached between Sheffield Tree Action Groups (STAG), Sheffield City Council and Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust. More information can be found about how the Strategy was developed on the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust web pages.
We set out to develop an exemplary Street Tree Partnership Strategy for Sheffield that values street trees for the benefits they bring to people, the city and the wider environment. And we believe that the Strategy is just that. As a group we wanted to produce something positive and visionary – for the city to collectively view street trees as an asset, helping us to improve air quality, reduce flood risk, support wildlife and store carbon.
This strategy aims to learn from the past in order to deliver our vision for the future of Sheffield’s street trees.
‘Working Strategy’
The Strategy was initially launched as a ‘Working Strategy’ in 2020, to provide the opportunity for people from across the city and beyond to make comments, share their ideas and make commitments to supporting the proposals. The public consultation ran for 12 weeks in 2020, resulting in over 280 responses from individuals and organisations.

Many respondents were supportive of the aims of the Street Tree Working Strategy. The consultation responses highlighted the importance of maintaining a progressive attitude, resolving conflicts and ensuring that a wide range of views are emphasised, as well as recognising the challenges that can be caused by poor street tree management and maintenance. Thank you to all the individuals and organisations who took the time to respond.