Response to resignation of Paul Selby

The Sheffield Street Tree Partnership (SSTP) would like to thank Paul Selby for his invaluable service, support, and guidance since the Partnership’s inception. His dedication to the cause and his thoughtful contributions have been pivotal in shaping our progress.

Paul’s resignation has prompted reflection within the Partnership on key areas for improvement. We acknowledge and respect the concerns he raised, including the pace of progress, meeting structure, missed opportunities, and ensuring all members feel valued. While progress has at times been slower than hoped, particularly as we’ve tackled more complex issues, we remain committed to moving forward.

The Partnership is taking steps to address these concerns by:

– Refocusing and refreshing our strategy for the coming year.

– Streamlining meeting agendas to ensure productive discussions and actionable outcomes.

– Strengthening communication and transparency within the group.

– Continuing to prioritise openness, inclusivity, and the well-being of all members.

We recognise Paul’s contributions, especially in leading Community Planting efforts. While there have been challenges, the consensus among members is that the Partnership is steadily making progress, learning from experience, and building a stronger foundation for the future.

Once again, we extend our gratitude to Paul and look forward to continuing our mission of collaboration and shared responsibility in enhancing Sheffield’s street tree landscape.